Die Lieblingsliederwiedergabeliste
Just in time for the Friday afternoon lull, here is our gift, to you: a meticulously curated playlist featuring some of the best (or worst depending on your musical tastes) German songs spanning multiple decades and numerous genres, as picked by our embassy staff.
We delved deep into our musical grey matter, and the result is the ‘Lieblingsliederwiedergabeliste’ featuring:
✔️ international smash hits,
✔️ bonafide Ohrwurms,
✔️ all-round questionable additions
and because sometimes nothing beats a good, old-fashioned visual distraction to k̵i̵l̵l̵ ̵t̵i̵m̵e̵ learn German, we’ve got YouTube videos too.
Anything you’re appalled we left out? Disgusted a specific song made the cut? Let us know!
If you’re after the latest and greatest sounds from Germany, check out the Goethe-Institut’s reguarly updated playlist ‘ Popcast — New sounds from Germany’.