A selection of coronavirus support measures for artists and creative
professionals from Germany and the UK
The cultural and creative sector has been greatly affected by the outbreak of the coronavirus and the impact of the COVID19 pandemic across countries.
The following selection of initiatives and measures aims at supporting artists and creative professionals with advice, guidance and specific funding measures during this difficult time.
It also includes general information on international cultural cooperation and general funding opportunities for the cultural sector.
Resources (Funding) in Germany
ifa — Insitut für Auslandsbeziehungen is Germany’s oldest intermediary organisation for international cultural relations. It promotes a peaceful and enriching coexistence between people and cultures worldwide.
ifa supports artistic and cultural exchange in exhibition, dialogue and conference programmes, and it acts as a centre of excellence for international cultural relations. It is part of a global network and relies on sustainable, long-term partnerships.
The German Government has introduced an extensive coronavirus aid package to support the cultural sector in Germany:
Bundesregierung Hilfen für Künstler und Kreative (only in German)
All the German federal states have adopted their own support measures. An overview with links to all federal states can be found here (only in German).
Further support from German foundations and other cultural institutions and organisations within the culture sector in Germany can be found here (only in German).
Resources (Funding) in the UK — a list
Arts Council England COVID-19 advice page
Arts Council Northern Ireland COVID-19 advice page
Arts Council Wales COVID-19 response page
BFI relief fund
Scottish Government coronavirus culture and creative sector support
Welsh Government help for museums, libraries, archives and professionals
affected by coronavirus
Welsh Government support for creative and sport sector
Grants and Fellowships in Germany
The DAAD Artist-in-Berlin programme will start its new call for applications for 2022 in September 2020.
The artists’ residence Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral in Bad Ems awards three- and nine-month residential scholarships to fine artists from Germany and abroad.
Künstlerdorf Schöppingen sponsors German and international artists and scholars working in literature, the fine arts, new media, interdisciplinary projects.
Künstlerhaus Lukas offers residential scholarships for artists working in the genres fine art, literature, dance and composition.
Akademie Schloss Solitude near Stuttgart is an international Artist-in-Residence programme and has supported approximately 1,400 young artists.
Further Resources
The Culture Diary — free worldwide calendar of UK culture
General information on Germany (including cultural and bilateral collaboration):
Goethe-Institut London and Goethe-Institut Glasgow are the cultural institutes of the Federal Republic of Germany promoting knowledge of the German language abroad and fostering international cultural cooperation. Find them on Facebook (GI London amd GI Glasgow), Twitter and Instagram for the latest updates
DAAD London (German Academic Exchange Service) are fostering academic exchange and cooperation with individuals and institutions in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Find them on Facebook and Twitter
German Embassy London and German Consulate General Edinburgh — find us on Facebook (German Embassy London and Consulate General Edinburgh), Twitter and Instagram